
KIMEX EXCHANGE decentralized binary options platform based on Blockchain

Kimex is a decentralized parallel shape that is controlled by a blockchain arrange. He attempts to exhibit a wallet for merchants and a purse with advanced cash and a phase for the BO business. For the most part, traders tend to lose money when the agent association with which they work close the store. This is a circumstance that various shippers expected to overcome starting in the relatively recent past. Vendors who need to use the Kimex stage can safely rest, understanding that each one of their advantages are protected and properly given. The blessed thing about this stage is that the Kimex arrange in like manner can not get to the shipper’s advantages, since they will be secured in the ETH square chain.

Issues experienced by merchants:

The BO business is a multi-billion dollar industry. For example, agent associations BO, working in Israel, could record an advantage of $ 5 billion of each 2016. How is this possible? Everything considered, at whatever point you buy BO from any united trader, it infers that you truly bet your bet against the bet on the stage. Along these lines, the agent will pick up what you lose. This speaks to an issue, since this suggests vendors share in a redirection that isn’t sensible. A merchant or stage can without quite a bit of a stretch use an agent, controlling trading costs. Esteem organization suggests that expenses will be traded support of the stage. Exactly when this occurs, the representative won’t have the ability to pull back resources. As needs be, this will suggest that the merchant could win a particular game plan, anyway they were still on the losing side, as they lost their money.

Kimex attempts to show a response for the P2P publicize. In this decision, merchants will have the ability to set down their bets against bankrollers. Of course, proprietors of KMX tokens will get money as trade costs paid by merchants and not from shaving stocks, like the case with various stages. One of the upsides of working with this stage is that vendors are guaranteed a payout. All portions must be issued as canny contracts. All portions must be made to the ETH address, ensuring that no individual or association can square representatives from pulling back. Plus, merchants are certain of full straightforwardness. It is typical that the stage will be truly sensible. This will be expert by acquiring asset costs from the blockchain arrange. Along these lines, it is hard to trick agents by controlling expenses.


As other projects in this kind of market, KIMEX, in particular, powered by Blockchain need more time to access to traders and investors.It is the time to show its value to become prevalent around the world, not just in recent developed countries.

KiIMEX PROGRESSKIMEX project is established and developed in 8 steps:

January — February 2018: there is a gathering between the establishments of KIMEX and their accomplices.

15, August 2018: KIMEX is made open.

1, September 2018: ICO battle begins.

Walk, 2019: Binary Option stage fueled by Blockchain is open.

June, 2019: Introduction to the interior trade showcase.

December 2019: KIMEX electronic wallet will be presented.

Walk 2019: KIMEX application on cell phones will be presented.

October 2020: the up and coming office in Singapore will be set up.

Creating KIMEX group:

There are 6 experts and advocates in fund and innovation perspectives who have taken a shot at Blockchain for a long time. They are:

Adam Son — Founder and CEO.

Gideon Huynh — Founder and CTO

Jully Bridget — Chief Marketing Manager.

Pearl Dương — Senior Software Development.

Diminish Tran – Product Manager.

Phi Hoang — Blockchain engineer.

It is certain the KIMEX is a leap forward in the money related market. With a witticism ” pioneer”, it is better, quicker to accomplish benefits. Is it accurate to say that you are prepared to end up a speculator in 4.0 centery?



Adequate monetary forms: ETH

Least exchange sum: 0,01 ETH

Add up to number of tokens accessible available to be purchased: 150,000,000 KMX

Pre-Sale Start date: August 15, 2018

Open begin date ICO September 1

Open ICO Date Start: fifth of September


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RIPAEX is a hybrid-decentralized exchanger that will open new opportunities for traders cryptocurrency

Do you realize that a significant extended period of time back piles of Bitcoin early lovers experienced issues with their advantages, anyway they gripped their feelings and their coins, in this manner savvy they are feeling like nobody’s business now,- the pros in Crypto Industry say, – regardless we require Bitcoin and Ethereum to tackle a greater scale, so associations need to decentralize data and certification their security concerns. By and by they defy another test: considering the massive measure of money contributed, it remains to be seen what number of old-tickers and newcomers will remain faithful to the business and will attempt to change the world with the help of headways that have starting at now changed them. Nowadays, Block chain advancement is experiencing a colossal impact. New Block chain designs are made step by step, including the greatest particular associations.

what Ripaex is about?

Ripa Exchange-is a cross breed decentralized trade, which will open up new open doors for dealers digital money. The utilization of blockchain innovation permits to guarantee the security, and additionally the productivity everything being equal. There will be no middle people and different questionable associations collaboration is maximally commonly profitable, is done specifically between the gatherings.
RipaEx is a project to facilitate the uptake of standards to share liquidity between crypto assets marketplaces. The objective of RipaEx is the promotion of shared source code for wallets and exchanges in the virtual currency industry: it is the aim of this reference document to give in-depth information to prospective exchange developers, or exchange
managers, to enable correct decision-making and to ensure success for their propose projects. It seeks to analyze the real potential in the Country of application for a network of cryptocurrency exchanges, and its place in the market.

The RipaEx project will have its own blockchain called Ripa which will be run on the DPOS protocol and has the XPX token symbol running on it that will serve the five following purposes:

  1. to list new cryptocurrencies on Ripa Exchanges
  2. to advertise new projects
  3. to buy RipaEx gadget on the RipaEx Store
  4. to pay for the sell of goods & services on authorized resellers with our RipaEx POS (Point of Sale)
  5. to share liquidity between Ripa Exchanges in the same network

Key highlights of the RIPAEX venture

Open source
Ripa Exchange is and will dependably be free for Exchange administrators: You should pay just for the server, organize security tasks, call focus administrators and different assets expected to begin the trade and give paid help to your Customers.
You can make all the essential settings in the source code on the grounds that the whole source database is discharged under the MIT permit. This is an incredible chance to run your nearby exchanger-along these lines of procuring today is the best and requested.
Security is greatly improved than in existing brought together banks
AES256 encryption keys and the whole configuration are worked with an emphasis on security. Ruby on Rails is known to be a safe improvement condition for designers, yet we chose to re-tweak the first peatio base to totally isolate the customer enlist from the exchanging system, so no information on the end Users won’t be imperiled if the assailant can adequately conquer the primary level of security. There are worldwide gauges AML/KYC to guarantee that your exchanger meets any nation in which you need to incorporate your task.
Ripa Liquidity Service Provider
RLSP is designed to allow you to offer your customers liquidity from the first day of your Obmenikov: Your new instance of Ripa Exchange will interact with the RIPA * block chain to get the liquidity available in the Exchange network. Exchange A, opening order, will receive 0.10% as commission for transaction.

Future benefits of investing in Ripaex
Future instances of Ripa Exchange implementations will have the following features:
– E-WALLETS: OKPay, NETELLER, MoneyPolo, others…
– ADVANCED TRADING FEATURES: margin trading, stop loss and take profit,
– OTHER TOOLS: VISA/MasterCard, merchants tools, P2P Lending
Ripaex Exchange
Ripa Exchange is a centralized exchange which will be converted into an hybrid-decentralized exchange to create a network of exchanges that share the same liquidity between each of them so you can offer liquidity from day 1 of your exchanges operations. To offer the PROs of a centralized exchange like platinum customer support and FIAT exchange, with all the PROs of a decentralized exchange like liquidity, without the CONs of both of them, Ripaex will need to perform an intermediate step where Ripa Exchange will be converted into an hybriddecentralized exchange and during phase 3 of our project (WP4-6) we will make all the functional and technical analysis required to make the next step on solid ground and offer to the RipaEx community an open source, secure and efficient exchange.


Using the SmartBridge technology RipaEx will build a mechanism to share liquidity between all the exchanges in the Ripa network by writing the single exchange orderbook in the Ripa Blockchain and by executing order matching between all exchanges in the network. In this way user can have the benefits of a decentralized order book (like liquidity) with the benefits of a centralized exchange (like platinum customer support and FIAT exchange).

How to invest in Ripaex
XPX Ripa Token PreSale
Private sale of XPX tokens has started on Monday 04/02/2018 at 00:00 GMT and will end on Sunday 07/01/2018 at 23:59 GMT. You can buy directly here: WWW.RIPAEX.IO/PRIVSALE or send us your buying inquiries on our social Slack, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter or on other social networks. Token Sale of the private sale period every exchange operation will be executed at the exchange rate of 0.0500euro until the first 5,000,000 XPX tokens have been exchanged and will be exchanged at the rate of 0.05714286euro thereafter.

ICO distribution and token sale

Expertises behind the success of RIPAEX

Plan route

Conclusively, Ripaex believe that “Starting an exchange shouldn’t be hard, what is hard is to give platinum support to your clients, comply with international regulations and have reliable banking partners to operate with: you should focus on that while the code and liquidity to start your exchanges operations is given to you free of charge.” Believe me with Ripaex you have a wonderful trading forum.

For additional information you can click on the links below:


Coinolix Exchange the crypto-currency trading platform with a high level of security

The determination of Blockchain improvement has raised or increase the probability to transmute the current financial scene by showing a natural system which is more helpful, secure, immediate and sensible, producing out the astonishing results of broad, concentrated budgetary foundations. The effect of blockchain on the general money related locale can’t be exaggerated, it is perhaps without a doubt the most essential change that has happened in the 21st century.Coinolix Exchange is a progressed mazuma exchanging stage. Coinolix Exchange has wound up being a hero among the most induced and fiery stages for cutting edge money exchanging stage with an impossible to miss state of security – a champion among the most secure, snappiest and most remarkable stages today. It performs, sets up every last one of the essentials and sodalities with the center the Coinolix Exchange as a way to deal with open markets for an arrangement and commix for causing markets. Supplementally, all exchanging charges will be paid using the CLX token.

About Coinolix Exchange

Coinolix Exchange is a trading stage for cryptographic mazuma. Coinolix Exchange has wound up being a champion among the most outstanding and strong stages for a computerized cash trading stage with an odd condition of security – a standout amongst the most secure, most speedy and most intense stages today. It performs, gets each one of the fundamentals and associations with focus on the Coinolix Exchange as an approach to open up business areas for affirmation and coordination for creating markets. In like manner, all trading costs are paid using the CLX token.

The trade and enthusiasm for tomb financial models have exhibited as of late that it slopes to be an especially gainful meander, with sundry sorts of crypto exchange arranges that offer features generally associated with major ecumenical markets. Regardless of the various stages and even the advances they apply, these exchange stages have not had the ability to give influencing answers to the issue of customers of exchange stages. The enhancement of advancement and the propelled condition has built up the imperative for lifting computerized types of mazuma and meanwhile, there is a lot of thievery by weak structures without strong security in finding out the advantages of crypto, plan issues are there, liquidity, vernacular deterrent, dreadful customer support and keeping mazuma snags.

coinolix exchange gives a broad assortment of advanced types of mazuma, ERC20 tokens. Easy to use Utilizer Interface joined with prevalent trading engine.

Coinolix exchange takes after a best practice by keeping the greater part of the favorable position hold in cool amassing, which is missing on the web server or some other PC to stay customers finance on exchange wallet.

Trade Coinolix

The optically peddling Coinolix Exchange motor is sensible for directing 1 200 000 requesting for reliably. A wide number of exchange deals can be wiped out with a versatile and expandable motor in a matter of minutes. Thus our organized motor can get an a dependable balance on a standout amongst the most quick and most reliable motors accessible in the present market. In this way, sellers can be safeguarded from fundamental predicaments, for example, backing off exchange asks for or dull publicizing.


Exchange on the spot plug

Edge Trading

Prospects Trading

Tongue fortify

We will brace English, Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Korean on the aggregate of our UIs. (The most amazing discharge may be in English and Russian.)

Supplemental tongues will be consolidated after some time. every snapshot of reliably Customer Support:

In lieu of giving a pre-shown condition to the client, we get a kick out of the opportunity to distribute support and commitments that will be spread to our agents and the sodality so a solid customer issue can be unraveled by the assigned master for this specific issue.

Security Bulwark against DDoS ambuscades: in perspective of high improvement action, the mazuma trade is dependably displayed to DDoS assaults. We use a discovered scattered game plan of a CDN kineticism server (content pass on deal with) that can suitably download a foremost number of database ask for at whatever point to profit online trade associations every snapshot of reliably.

Trade review: our objective weakness explore gathering will screen the execution time of the stage to keep any possible ambuscades of nonappearance of security. We will also consider supplemental security attempts, as market allocations will make later on.

Encryption and support. We will use involute encryption strategies and perform data reinforce each day to find out the security of all client information. Such a methodology, made out of a decentralized base, will enable us to offer data to our customer even in the provoke result expected by a speculative programming engineer strike.

Two-factor support: by applying two-factor certification over the client name and riddle key to shield clients from a phishing site and an electronic mail weakness

CLX Token Detail

CLX Token is an ERC20 standard token from the Ethereum Blockchain. This multipurpose token that can be used as a medium of exchange and supplementally to pay trade charges, trading cost, withdrawal charge, posting charges on Coinolix Exchange.

Token distribution

Fund usage Detail


For more information about the project and the ICO, visit the following channels;

Published by bitcointalk : Solomon3158

profile :;u=2157365

Deal JOy the new decentalized blockchain platform project to earn crypto by shopping online.

Recent studies explained that an alleged associate shopping systems have been a thing for a long time, yet an across the board arrangement that covers the requirements of every single principle player is to be found. The most noteworthy industry issues come down to the absence of a worldwide micropayment arrangement, the poor condition of client security, and the issues of assume that power the stages to postpone installments for a considerable length of time. Existing stages use bank exchanges, paper checks, and online installment processors, for example, PayPal to pay their associates. These installment strategies are not private nor really.

Another issue which do emerges from the client’s perspective, is the deferral between the commission qualifying exchange and accepting the real installment. On the current stages, it might take up to three months to get the real cashback, or to get paid of the changes that partner advertisers are producing for the shippers. With respect to the immediate draw backs brought the changes and idea perpetual brought the project known as deal joy. Deal joy one of the blockchain platform that exhibited the easy access of earning cryptocurrency.

Which Package Solution will Deal Joy concept brought forth?

The Dealjoy TCS Protocol will deals with the commission parts and empowers moment installments by using blockchain to determine the trust issues amongst shippers and different gatherings. Rather than managing universal wire exchanges, thusly requiring least payout points of confinement and chopping down cashback rates because of high installment preparing charges, this arrangement enables us to focus on giving the best client encounter and to construct the cutting edge instruments for shoppers and expert advertisers.

Dealjoy is a privacy-focused global cashback platform designed to connect online shoppers with their favorite merchants to provide instant crypto cashback.

token distribution and details

The public pre-sale is scheduled for late 2018 with exact dates to be published. The main token sale will be conducted after the pre-sale and will last a maximum of 4 weeks (28 days). All contributions are to be made in Ether (ETH). Maximum total supply of DEAL is 1,400,000,000 and no more tokens will ever be issued after that. All unsold tokens by the end of the token sale period will be permanently burned.



Experience unlimited Joy with Deal Joy project.for any additional information click on the link below :

published by Solomon3158


Sidera platform the route to the future of cryptocurrency

The achievement of cryptocurency through the utilization of ingenious phrenic conceptions or conception driving square chain innovation is a gift to this 21st century. In any case the greatest obstruction with Bit coin right now is that it has not broken out into standard reception, quantifications demonstrates that the quantity of dynamic digital mazuma clients is in the vicinity of 2.9 and 5.8 million yet cryptographic mazuma experiences multifaceted nature for the mundane client. Today, the main thing you can purchase with a cryptographic mazuma are other digital currencies most by far of individuals have no inclusion with this procedure and no premium. Until the point that the mundane client can utilize digital mazuma to purchase a sack of rice or a portion of bread the paramountcy of cryptocurency will be confined to a little group of onlookers. En masse for this impact to demonstrate forward brings the possibility of the formation of Sidera square chain innovations, where there will be a handiness of digital currency in referencing to what’s to come. Sidera stage is a decentralized stage in a square chain innovation utilizing as a total end – to – end answer for con-tactless and savvy retail point – of – deal including a full stack reference execution of the considerable number of components. This incorporates a portable application and point – of – deal (pos) terminals that are yare in organization. So through the discharging the full stack reference utilization as open source and open particulars. This empower pervasive overall circulation of the Sidera conventions and ensure the expeditious development of the estimation of the Sidera arrange.

Sidera mission

Sidera is yare to engender interest for incipient and old, and additionally of all shapes and sizes digital currencies with this no other online cryptographic mazuma trade can get incipient digital mazuma clients from its fragment and in a homogeneous number. Sidera will insert the following two years constructing a broad scope of comfort stores, shopping mail, retails shops, chain outlets, bistro, eateries and different outlets. They will utilize Sidera and keen piece applications to scope a significantly more prominent number of littler merchants. Sidera will likewise enable clients to have the capacity to purchase and spend digital mazuma inside seconds ecumenical with a just savvy. Sidera will likewise give open source and the equipment reference utilization particulars .

Sidera will make a heap of sharing applications e.g distributed programmed installment systems. Outside trade stages, computerized rights administration and gregarious legacy to denomination. Sidera will inspirit the sharing of the current contrivances, conveyances, buildings and so forth by inserting sensors and system network that empower our things to amass and trade information.

Purposes of Sidera platform
The important of this project is et cryptocurrencies become more attractive and fully scalable, with an easy and pleasant way to handle transactions, strengthening at the same time its security. Also he SmartBit will lets people receive, send and manage Bitcoins and any other cryptocurrency or token ERC20 completely from their wrist in a beautiful and secure way. The smartwatch is linked to a companion app which handles features like addresses, contacts, blockchain synchronization, and much more.

SmartBit will be produced in three specific versions:

  1. BitBand: multi-color interchangeable wristbands with touch display;
  2. BitWatch Premium: 3-color elegant smartwatch with touch display;
  3. BitWatch Visionary: elegant smartwatch with touch display and multi-layer security with facial recognition and biometric sensor

How to get digital forms of money on your SmartBit Device?

The implicit programming grants clients to get Bitcoins or some other existing token straightforwardly on the wrist creating new locations. It is conceivable to create another address from the smartwatch/wristband just by squeezing a catch. The new address can be shown as a QR Code for quick “on-road/outside” money activities. It is likewise conceivable to share the deliver to contacts. On the off chance that the client needs to receive a specific amount of money the smartwatch can generate a QR Code for that amount of money.

SmartBit smartwatch lets users send Bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency in different ways. Especially, with a completely revolutionary way invented by Sidera. The smartwatch’s “Receive notifications” feature has a double function:
• To display smartphone notifications like every other smartwatch in the world.
• To detect any crypto-address included in the notification message. As soon as a new address is detected the user can choose to send the related cryptocurrency to that address.
Ex. New notification received: “Hey, don’t forget to send me those 0.1234 BTC. You can send them to 1HBtvjiVk8Bb2rPTAGJrD6UuC6foGQ4uZA. Options on the watch: dismiss, send BTC, other, There are also other ways to send cryptocurrencies with the SmartBit Device. It is possible to save the public address of a contact in the address book and then select it whenever you need to send funds.

Employments of the shrewd BIT

  1. Price alarms
  2. Favourite address
  3. Trading
  4. Authentication
  5. NFC

Market and trade of Sidera Platform

Sidera will discharge another progressive trade: CONTINUUM. This trade is completely decentralized and totally wearable. It is the main Decentralized Wearable Exchange of the world. It goes through BitSmart gadgets on a great many companion based wrists. Envision to have your trade on your wrist, exchanging your most loved digital forms of money essentially tapping on a catch. CONTINUUM advantages of our best in class innovation which ensures security and secrecy. You approach a phenomenal biological system of decentralized administrations, available on our Hybrid Block chain. Our Hybrid Block chain is super-quick with moment installment handling. It can bolster 500.000 tps and it is versatile and particular. Our EQUOS coin stipends you access to our whole biological community. It can bolster keen contracts and dApps, the Bitcoin organize and the Block chain convention 4.0. It will be likewise utilized for handling expenses, enormously decreasing the system costs.


